Impact of Image Feature Variability on Classification
The graph shows the number of region of interests (ROIs - cell colonies) that were assigned different classification labels based on image features extracted from the same ROI by different feature extraction libraries. Feature indices are indicated on the y-axis and index-to-feature name mapping is provided by hovering a mouse over each point. For pairs of libraries comparisons that do not have correspnding features (i.e., denoted as NaN in the downloadable CSV file), the metric is set to -10 for visualization purposes. Each comparison can be viewed separately by double-clicking on the legend.
Note: The following subsets of feature indices corresponds to:
shape features → [01-19]
intensity features → [20-27]
textural features → [28-75]
Table 1: The table of the image feature variability impact on classification of ROIs (cell colonies) as plotted in the above graph. Values can be sorted by clicking on the heading of each column.