National Institute of Standards and Technology

Variability of Perimeter Image Feature Over Regions of Interests (ROI - Cell Colonies)

The graph of perimeter feature values over 140 regions of interests (ROIs). The feature values are measured in image pixel and plotted as the difference between the computed feature and the average of all four values from Java, ImageJ, CellProfiler and Python. The image views of ROIs are accessible via graphed hyperlinks.

Table 1: The table of perimeter feature values over 140 ROIs. The values are computed as the difference between the feature value from one feature extraction library and the average of all four values from Java, ImageJ, CellProfiler and Python. Values can be sorted by clicking on the heading of each column. The image views of ROIs are accessible via hyperlinks in the ROI index column.

Documentation for Image Feature Libraries


ITL-Software and Systems Division
Information Systems Group
Lodz University of Technology, Poland

Data Download:

download comma separated value (CSV) file


Peter Bajcsy
Phone: 301.975.2958

Date created: January 5, 2018 | Last updated: