National Institute of Standards and Technology

Publication Classification:

Segmentation Evaluation = Pixel-level evaluation

Data Axes = X-Y-T

  • "Chalfoun J, Kociolek M, Dima A, Halter M, Cardone A, Peskin A, Bajcsy P, Brady M: Segmenting time-lapse phase contrast images of adjacent NIH 3T3 cells. J. Microsc. 2013, 249:41–52."
  • "Chalfoun J, Majurski M, Dima A, Stuelten C, Peskin A: FogBank?: A Single Cell Segmentation across Multiple Cell Lines and Image Modalities. BMC Bioinformatics 2014, 15:431."
  • "Chalfoun J, Majurski M, Peskin A, Breen C, Bajcsy P: Empirical Gradient Threshold Technique for Automated Segmentation across Image Modalities and Cell Lines. J. Microsc. 2014:1–18."
  • "Dzyubachyk O, Van Cappellen WA, Essers J, Niessen WJ, Meijering E: Advanced level-set-based cell tracking in time-lapse fluorescence microscopy. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 2010, 29:852–867."
  • "Law YN, Lee HK, Yip AM: Learning Dynamical Shape Prior for Level Set based Cell Tracking. Ann. Br. Mach. Vis. Assoc. 2013, 2013:1–14."
  • "Law YN: Cell tracking using phase-adaptive shape prior. J. Microsc. 2013, 252:149–58."
  • "Moeller M, Burger M, Dieterich P, Schwab A: A Framework for Automated Cell Tracking in Phase Contrast Microscopic Videos based on Normal Velocities. J Vis Commun Image Represent 2014, 25:396–409."
  • "Yin Z, Kanade T, Chen M: Understanding the phase contrast optics to restore artifact-free microscopy images for segmentation. Med Image Anal 2012, 16:1047–62."
  • "Yin Z, Li K, Kanade T, Chen M: Understanding the Optics to Aid Microscopy Image Segmentation. In Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention--MICCAI 2010. Volume 13. Heidelberg: Springer; 2010:209–217."
  • "Yu W, Lee HK, Hariharan S, Bu W, Ahmed S: Evolving generalized Voronoi diagrams for accurate cellular image segmentation. Cytometry. A 2010, 77:379–86."

Survey publication disclaimer:

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) uses substantial efforts to select publications that meet the publication survey criteria. However, NIST makes no warranties that the survey is exhaustive. The survey and its contents are provided by NIST as a public service and are strictly provided "AS IS" with no warranties of any type. Furthermore, NIST does not make any statements about quality of publications by including them in the survey classification and does not imply any recommendation or endorsement.
Date created: April 10, 2014 | Last updated: