National Institute of Standards and Technology

Publication Classification:

Segmentation Method = Thresholding

Imaging Modality = Phase contrast

  • "Al-Kofahi O, Radke RJ, Goderie SK, Shen Q, Temple S, Roysam B: Automated cell lineage construction: a rapid method to analyze clonal development established with murine neural progenitor cells. Cell Cycle 2006, 5:327–35."
  • "Celli JP, Rizvi I, Evans CL, Abu-Yousif AO, Hasan T: Quantitative imaging reveals heterogeneous growth dynamics and treatment-dependent residual tumor distributions in a three-dimensional ovarian cancer model. J Biomed Opt 2010, 15:051603."
  • "Chalfoun J, Majurski M, Peskin A, Breen C, Bajcsy P: Empirical Gradient Threshold Technique for Automated Segmentation across Image Modalities and Cell Lines. J. Microsc. 2014:1–18."
  • "Huh S, Eom S, Bise R, Yin Z, Kanade T: Mitosis detection for stem cell tracking in phase-contrast microscopy images. In Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2011 IEEE International Symposium on. IEEE; 2011:2121–2127."
  • "Kachouie NN, Fieguth P, Ramunas J, Jervis E: A Statistical Thresholding Method for Cell Tracking. 2006 IEEE Int Inf Technol 2006:222–227."
  • "Li K, Miller ED, Weiss LE: Online tracking of migrating and proliferating cells imaged with phase-contrast microscopy. In Proceedings of the 2006 Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshop. IEEE Computer Society; 2006:8."
  • "Sigal A, Milo R, Cohen A, Geva-Zatorsky N, Klein Y, Liron Y, Rosenfeld N, Danon T, Perzov N, Alon U: Variability and memory of protein levels in human cells. Nature 2006, 444:643–6."
  • "Winter M, Wait E, Roysam B, Goderie SK, Ali RAN, Kokovay E, Temple S, Cohen AR: Vertebrate neural stem cell segmentation, tracking and lineaging with validation and editing. Nat Protoc 2011, 6:1942–52."
  • "Yin Z, Kanade T, Chen M: Understanding the phase contrast optics to restore artifact-free microscopy images for segmentation. Med Image Anal 2012, 16:1047–62."
  • "Yin Z, Li K, Kanade T, Chen M: Understanding the Optics to Aid Microscopy Image Segmentation. In Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention--MICCAI 2010. Volume 13. Heidelberg: Springer; 2010:209–217."

Survey publication disclaimer:

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) uses substantial efforts to select publications that meet the publication survey criteria. However, NIST makes no warranties that the survey is exhaustive. The survey and its contents are provided by NIST as a public service and are strictly provided "AS IS" with no warranties of any type. Furthermore, NIST does not make any statements about quality of publications by including them in the survey classification and does not imply any recommendation or endorsement.
Date created: April 10, 2014 | Last updated: