Data-driven Simulations For Training AI-Based Segmentation of Neutron Images


Neutron interferometry uniquely combines neutron imaging and scattering methods to enable characterization of multiple length scales from 1 nm to 10 μm. However, building, operating, and using such neutron imaging instruments poses constraints on the acquisition time and on the number of measured images per sample. Experiment time-constraints yield small quantities of measured images that are insufficient for automating image analyses using supervised artificial intelligence (AI) models. One approach alleviates this problem by supplementing annotated measured images with synthetic images. We disseminate synthetic and measured data for a set of nine known materials (calibration phantoms) that were imaged using a neutron interferometer acquiring four-dimensional images and segmented by AI models trained with synthetic and measured images and their masks.


This web-based visualization and interactive dissemination system has been designed to facilitate reusability and reproducibility of neutron beam imaging experiments targeting supervised image segmentation tasks. The motivation is to prepare a large number of pixel-level multi-class annotated images for training artifical intelligence (AI) based segmentation models.

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Data-driven Simulations For Training AI-Based Segmentation of Neutron Images
Pushkar S. Sathe1, Caitlyn M. Wolf2, Youngju Kim3,4, Sarah M. Robinson3, M. Cyrus Daugherty3, Ryan P. Murphy2, Jacob M. LaManna3, Michael G. Huber3, David L. Jacobson3, Paul A. Kienzle2, Katie M. Weigandt2, Nikolai N. Klimov3, Dan S. Hussey3, and Peter Bajcsy1
1Information Technology Laboratory, NIST
2NIST Center for Neutron Research, NIST
3Physical Measurement Laboratory, NIST
4Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, College Park
(under review)