Version 2.2.0
This software was developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the course of their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code this software is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. This software is an experimental system. NIST assumes no responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties, and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability, or any other characteristic. We would appreciate acknowledgement if the software is used.
The Web Image Processing Pipelines system (WIPP) version 2.2.0 does not include
any web security management. WIPP 2.2.0 allows unrestricted uploading of files via the web
browser interface and the uploaded files interact with the file system as well as with
an instance of MongoDB database.
WIPP 2.2.0 is intended for deployment on private networks behind a firewall. Future releases
will include account and upload access management.
Download WIPP Zip file containing the installation script and a README file here.
To install Docker, please, follow the instructions from the
Docker web site (menu "Get Docker")
according to the operating system the host is running.
Official Docker instructions available here.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
curl \
- Add Docker’s official GPG key:
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
- Set up the Docker stable repository (for architecture amd64):
sudo add-apt-repository \
"deb [arch=amd64] \
$(lsb_release -cs) \
sudo apt-get update
- Install the latest version of Docker:
sudo apt-get install docker-ce
- Verify that Docker CE is properly installed (will print an informational message):
sudo docker run hello-world
After installing Docker, you will have to use sudo
for all Docker commands.
To avoid that, follow the instructions from the
Docker Linux postinstall
web page:
sudo groupadd docker
- Add your user to the docker group:
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
- Log out and log back in so that your group membership is re-evaluated,
then verify that you can run Docker commands without sudo:
docker run hello-world
In order to have the Docker service automatically started when the system boots, follow the instructions from the Docker Linux postinstall web page: - For Ubuntu 16.04 and higher, run:
sudo systemctl enable docker
The WIPP Docker deployment is using Docker Swarm to create a cluster of Docker nodes on a single or multiple hosts configuration.
- Initialize the swarm:- Configure the swarm network overlay:IP_MGR=
(replace by the IP address of the host)docker swarm init --advertise-addr ${IP_MGR} --listen-addr ${IP_MGR}
docker network create --driver overlay wippnet
The WIPP Docker containers are using Docker volumes to store data on the host (see Docker volumes web page for more information about Docker volumes).
- Create a Docker volume for the WIPP database:
docker volume create --name wippdbvolume
- Create a Docker volume for the WIPP data storage:
docker volume create --name wippdatavolume
- Create a Docker volume for the Pegasus database:
docker volume create --name pegasusdbvolume
- Create a Docker volume for the Pegasus data storage:
docker volume create --name pegasusdatavolume
A deployment script
is provided in the WIPP Zip file.
chmod a+x
- Run the script to deploy WIPP on the Docker Swarm:
./ wippnet wippdbvolume wippdatavolume pegasusdbvolume pegasusdatavolume 4G
Replace "4G" by the maximum amount of RAM you want to allow for the image processing algorithms.
This amount should be scaled according to the available RAM on the host and the size of the data you want to process,
knowing that algorithms may require up to 10 times the size of a single image in RAM size, i.e., a 1GB image may need
up to 10GB of RAM. Format: size[g|G|m|M|k|K]
docker service ls
The output should be similar to the following:
ID NAME MODE REPLICAS IMAGE 1x4y8ee96kn2 master replicated 0/1 wipp/wipp_master:2.2.0 3wx2zpmbj6om wipp replicated 0/1 wipp/wipp:2.2.0 iyyrjoln0t0t mongodb replicated 0/1 mongo:3.4 n3bgifaet7vf exec replicated 0/1 wipp/wipp_executor:2.2.0
means services are not yet started (either loading or failing to start).
For detailed information about a service:
docker service ps $NAME
For example, to check the state of the mongodb (database) service: docker service ps mongodb
02zpjbxq42a7 mongodb.1 mongo:latest vm-itl-ssd-063 Running Running 44 seconds ago
WIPP system services will start in this order: mongodb, master, wipp, exec.docker service ls ID NAME MODE REPLICAS IMAGE 1x4y8ee96kn2 master replicated 1/1 wipp/wipp_master:2.2.0 3wx2zpmbj6om wipp replicated 1/1 wipp/wipp:2.2.0 iyyrjoln0t0t mongodb replicated 1/1 mongo:3.4 n3bgifaet7vf exec replicated 1/1 wipp/wipp_executor:2.2.0
WIPP is running through the ports 18080 (web interface) and 15005 (Pegasus dashboard). In order to access the WIPP system, these ports have to be open for communication.
- On Ubuntu 16.04 and up, one option is to use the uncomplicated firewall (ufw):- Check that the ports are open:sudo ufw allow 18080
sudo ufw allow 15005
sudo ufw status verbose
Once deployed, the WIPP web interface will be accessible from http://host-ip:18080
and the Pegasus dashboard (for troubleshooting any failing jobs) will be accessible from
(replace host-ip
by the IP address of the host.)
The Pegasus dashboard is accessible via HTTPS, but does not ship with a SSL certificate. Some web browsers will complain about the lack of valid certificate and ask the user to add a security exception, or confirm "Proceed to the website (unsafe)" before being able to access the dashboard. The dashboard is set up to be accessible with the credentials "wipp/zaq123"".
Upgrade WIPP to version 2.0.0 first using the instructions from WIPP 2.0.0 deployment instructions
To stop and remove the WIPP Docker services that are currently running on the machine, use the following command:
docker service rm exec wipp master mongodb
The WIPP system will be deleted, but the WIPP database and file system will remain intact in the Docker volumes.
A deployment script
is provided in the WIPP Zip file.
chmod a+x
- Run the script to deploy WIPP on the Docker Swarm:
./ wippnet wippdbvolume wippdatavolume pegasusdbvolume pegasusdatavolume 4G
Replace "4G" by the maximum amount of RAM you want to allow for the image processing algorithms.
This amount should be scaled according to the available RAM on the host and the size of the data you want to process,
knowing that algorithms may require up to 10 times the size of a single image in RAM size, i.e., a 1GB image may need
up to 10GB of RAM. Format: size[g|G|m|M|k|K]
docker service ls
The output should be similar to the following:
ID NAME MODE REPLICAS IMAGE 1x4y8ee96kn2 master replicated 0/1 wipp/wipp_master:2.2.0 3wx2zpmbj6om wipp replicated 0/1 wipp/wipp:2.2.0 iyyrjoln0t0t mongodb replicated 0/1 mongo:3.4 n3bgifaet7vf exec replicated 0/1 wipp/wipp_executor:2.2.0
means services are not yet started (either loading or failing to start).
For detailed information about a service:
docker service ps $NAME
For example, to check the state of the mongodb (database) service: docker service ps mongodb
02zpjbxq42a7 mongodb.1 mongo:latest vm-itl-ssd-063 Running Running 44 seconds ago
WIPP system services will start in this order: mongodb, master, wipp, exec.docker service ls ID NAME MODE REPLICAS IMAGE 1x4y8ee96kn2 master replicated 1/1 wipp/wipp_master:2.2.0 3wx2zpmbj6om wipp replicated 1/1 wipp/wipp:2.2.0 iyyrjoln0t0t mongodb replicated 1/1 mongo:3.4 n3bgifaet7vf exec replicated 1/1 wipp/wipp_executor:2.2.0
Once deployed, the WIPP web interface will be accessible from http://host-ip:18080
and the Pegasus dashboard (for troubleshooting any failing jobs) will be accessible from
(replace host-ip
by the IP address of the host).
Any data and jobs created in the version 2.0.0 should be present in the new version.
The Pegasus dashboard is accessible via HTTPS, but does not ship with a SSL certificate. Some web browsers will complain about the lack of valid certificate and ask the user to add a security exception, or confirm "Proceed to the website (unsafe)" before being able to access the dashboard. The dashboard is set up to be accessible with the credentials "wipp/zaq123"".
This set of instructions is intended for advanced users and system administrators. We only support Unix operating systems for the multi-hosts deployment, and have been testing on three Ubuntu 16.04 servers.
Deploying WIPP on a multiple hosts consists of six steps:Download the WIPP Zip file containing the installation script and a README file here.
To install Docker, please, follow the instructions from the
Docker web site (menu "Get Docker")
according to the operating system the host is running.
The WIPP Docker deployment is using Docker Swarm to create a cluster of Docker nodes on a single or multiple hosts configuration.
- Choose one of the hosts to be the Swarm manager and initialize the swarm on this manager host:The output should be similar to:IP_MGR=
(replace by the IP address of the host)docker swarm init --advertise-addr ${IP_MGR} --listen-addr ${IP_MGR}
Swarm initialized: current node (xxxxxxxxx) is now a manager.
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
docker swarm join \
--token xxx-yyyy-zzzz \
Save this docker swarm command to use it on the worker hosts later to make them join the swarm.
- Open port 2377 for Docker Swarm communications (using ufw for example):
sudo ufw allow 2377
- Open ports 4789 and 7946 for Swarm network overlay communications (using ufw for example):
- Configure the swarm network overlay:sudo ufw allow 4789
sudo ufw allow 7946
docker network create --driver overlay wippnet
- Join the Swarm from the other hosts using the saved docker swarm command similar to the following:
docker swarm join \
--token xxx-yyyy-zzzz \
On a multi-hosts deployment, the WIPP Docker containers are binding folders that are shared across all the hosts (see Docker bind mounts web page for more information about the usage of bind mounts).
Four shared folders need to be available from all hosts:
- Shared folder for the WIPP database (wippdbvolume)
- Shared folder for the WIPP data storage (wippdatavolume)
- Shared folder for the Pegasus database (pegasusdbvolume)
- Shared folder for the Pegasus data storage (pegasusdatavolume)
Notes: One solution for sharing folders across multiple hosts is to use
GlusterFS to mount shared volumes on all hosts.
Please refer to the GlusterFS documentation for configuring shared gluster volumes.
The wipp user inside of the Docker containers has the UID 1000, so may need to change the ownership
of the shared folders to the user 1000, and set read and execution permissions for group and others as well.
Please note that the wippdbvolume, pegasusdbvolume and pegasusdatavolume will contain database
files, which may cause issues when using a NAS (Network Attached Storage) for hosting the shared folders,
for example using a CIFS mount.
A deployment script
is provided in the WIPP Zip file.
This script must be executed from the Swarm manager host.
chmod a+x
- Run the script from the Swarm manager host to deploy WIPP on the Docker Swarm:
./ wippnet path/to/wippdbvolume path/to/wippdatavolume path/to/pegasusdbvolume path/to/pegasusdatavolume 4G
Replace "4G" by the maximum amount of RAM you want to allow for the image processing algorithms.
This amount should be scaled according to the available RAM on the host and the size of the data you want to process,
knowing that algorithms may require up to 10 times the size of a single image in RAM size, i.e., a 1GB image may need
up to 10GB of RAM. Format: size[g|G|m|M|k|K]
docker service ls
The output should be similar to the following:
ID NAME MODE REPLICAS IMAGE 1x4y8ee96kn2 master replicated 0/1 wipp/wipp_master:2.2.0 3wx2zpmbj6om wipp replicated 0/1 wipp/wipp:2.2.0 iyyrjoln0t0t mongodb replicated 0/1 mongo:3.4 n3bgifaet7vf exec replicated 0/1 wipp/wipp_executor:2.2.0
means services are not yet started (either loading or failing to start).
For detailed information about a service:
docker service ps $NAME
For example, to check the state of the mongodb (database) service: docker service ps mongodb
02zpjbxq42a7 mongodb.1 mongo:latest vm-itl-ssd-063 Running Running 44 seconds ago
WIPP system services will start in this order: mongodb, master, wipp, exec.docker service ls ID NAME MODE REPLICAS IMAGE 1x4y8ee96kn2 master replicated 1/1 wipp/wipp_master:2.2.0 3wx2zpmbj6om wipp replicated 1/1 wipp/wipp:2.2.0 iyyrjoln0t0t mongodb replicated 1/1 mongo:3.4 n3bgifaet7vf exec replicated 1/1 wipp/wipp_executor:2.2.0
WIPP is running through the ports 18080 (web interface) and 15005 (Pegasus dashboard). In order to access the WIPP system, these ports have to be open for communication.
- For example, using ufw:sudo ufw allow 18080
sudo ufw allow 15005
Once deployed, the WIPP web interface will be accessible from http://host-ip:18080
and the Pegasus dashboard (for troubleshooting any failing jobs) will be accessible from
(replace host-ip
by the IP address of the host.)
The Pegasus dashboard is accessible via HTTPS, but does not ship with a SSL certificate. Some web browsers will complain about the lack of valid certificate and ask the user to add a security exception, or confirm "Proceed to the website (unsafe)" before being able to access the dashboard. The dashboard is set up to be accessible with the credentials "wipp/zaq123"".
Notes: Docker, docker-compose and VirtualBox will be automatically installed
after installing Docker Toolbox.
A step-by-step guide on how to install Docker Toolbox on Windows 7 is provided in the documentation
PDF "WIPP-docker-machine-deployment.pdf" under the "doc" folder of the downloaded WIPP Zip file.
Docker for Windows (for Windows 10) is not supported for this WIPP installation, due to the use of
VirtualBox, Docker Toolbox must be used instead.
export cpus=2 # 2 CPUs - number of CPUs allocated to VM
export ram=8192 # 8 GB - amount of RAM allocated to VM in MB
export disk=80000 # ~80GB - disk space allocated to VM (hosting the WIPP system + data)
export backend_memory="4G" # 4 GB - maximum amount of RAM in GB allocated to computations, should be lower than amount of RAM allocated to the VM
sh setup
docker-machine ip wipp