A user starts with image collections saved on a disk and needs to upload files to WIPP. The Image Collections tab exposes the interface
for a user to transfer data from disk to the WIPP system and manage the data.
The data management includes creation of image collections, uploading and downloading files,
and file deletion before collections are processed. Click on the "Manage
Image Collections" tab on the left side to access image collection
WIPP Image Collections screenshot
This view displays the list of available Image Collections, which can
be sorted by name, number of images, lock status, creation date and size. The sorting is achieved by clicking on the arrows
next to the column headings.
The edit boxes below the headings "Name"" and Number of Images" are designed for
entering text to filter the list of items shown below. Click on the name of a collection
to access the collection details.
Create a new image collection
From the Image Collections view, click on the "Create new collection"
button to create a new collection and start uploading images:
WIPP Create Image Collection screenshot
Enter a name of the new collection and click on save to proceed to the Image
Collection detail view.
WIPP Image Collection screenshotWIPP Image Collection upload screenshot
Collection detail information
The information about collections includes name, creation date, number of files in the collection,
total size of the collection, and the source source job if the collection has been created by applying
one of the processing jobs.
The collection name must be unique and may be modified any time by
clicking on it and editing the text.
Upload images
Upload images using the "Add files to collection" or
"Add folder to collection" buttons, or drag and drop files
from your computer to the "Drag and Drop" area on the right.
The option "Add folder to collection" might not be available in some web browsers.
Uploaded files other than images will be classified as "Metadata
files". Uploaded images will be automatically converted to the
OME-TIFF format and are compressed using a Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW) compression.
The progress of the upload is displayed using a progress bar per file. All files are displayed
in two tables, one for image tiles and one for metadata files. The progress of image conversions to OME-TIFF
format is also displayed on top of the Images table, as "Images
being uploaded: #number".
File upload can be slow since it depends on the connectivity between
the server and the browser. File conversion to ome.tif may take longer
than the upload depending on the computing power of the server.
Download images
Each image in a collection can be downloaded using the
download button with the arrow icon from the "Actions" column.
The whole image collection can be downloaded as a ZIP file using the
download button from the top right corner of the view.
Download metadata
Each image might be associated with the metadata information describing the microscope acquisition parameters.
The metadata information per image can be downloaded using the
download button with the icon containing "i" from the "Actions" column.
Delete images
Each image in a collection can be deleted using the
delete button with the cross icon from the "Actions" column.
The whole collection can be deleted using the
delete button from the top right corner of the view.
Note: if the collection is locked, neither the collection nor
individual images inside of it can be deleted.
Lock Image Collection
Before any image collection is processed by a WIPP job, it must be locked
to guarantee traceability of any results back to the source collection.
The collection can be locked using the
"lock" button from the top right corner of the view.
Note: If a collection is locked, neither the entire collection nor
individual images in the collection can be deleted or modified. However,
the image collection name can still be modified, and the change will
be reflected in any job using the image collection.