The Machine Learning module is designed to classify regions of interest using image features (measurements).
It is accessible from the "Machine Learning"
tab from the top menu bar, and allows:
- K-means clustering
WIPP Machine Learning module screenshot
From the Machine Learning view, click on the "K-means clustering Jobs"
tab on the left menu to access the K-means clustering jobs view.
WIPP K-means clustering Jobs screenshot
K-means clustering jobs
To create a new Machine Learning job, click on the "Create new machine learning job" button.
Below is a description on how to configure each input parameter.
WIPP K-means clustering job screenshot
Job name
Unique name for the job.
Feature Extraction Result
Name of the Feature Extraction job whose result (image features) will be used for clustering.
Features Configuration
Choose which features will be used for clustering (all of the computed ones or only a subset).
Choose which machine learning package to use. Only Weka is available in WIPP 2.0.0.
Max Number of Clusters
The maximum number of clusters (k) - indicates the maximum number of subsets to
partition the selected feature vectors.
Merge Feature Extraction Results option
This option will run the clustering on all ROIs from all images at once,
otherwise clustering will be run per image.
Merge K-means Results option
This option will merge all results from all images into one file.
The k-means clustering algorithm is an iterative algorithm which assigns each feature vector
to the closest cluster in terms of the least squared Euclidean distance. Wikipedia page:
The initialization of the clusters is performed randomly.
The current algorithm is implemented in Java using the Weka library